

Date: 5 - 8 November 2024 (Tuesday - Friday)

Venue: HKUST clear water bay campus

Co-organised with HKUST Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD) and Xbot Park, HKUST E-25th is a week-long entrepreneurship carnival that celebrates 25 years of entrepreneurship development at HKUST, marking the pioneering role of the HKUST Entrepreneurship Center as the first university-based entrepreneurship center in Hong Kong.

This event brings together students, faculty, startups, industry partners, and investors within the innovation and technology ecosystem. More than 100 startup projects will be showcased across the Clear Water Bay Campus, accompanied by entrepreneurial workshops and experiential courses.

Join us for the Kick-off Ceremony celebrating the 25th Anniversary of HKUST Entrepreneurship Center!

Date: 5 November 2024 (Tuesday)

Time: 10:30 - 14:00

Venue: Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall, HKUST

Registration at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Atrium, HKUST







Welcome Speech


Prof. Tim CHENG


Opening Remarks​


Lillian Cheong


Keynote Speech

From Emerging Engineering Education to New Productive Force:
Exploring the Development of an End-to-End, High-Quality, High-Efficiency Technology Innovation Ecosystem


Prof. Zexiang LI


Panel Discussion

Building xbotpark from scratch: Our entrepreneurial journey


Prof. Zexiang LI


Prof. Jie GAN


Prof. Ping KO



Prof. Qian ZHANG


Panel Discussion

Charting the Future of Entrepreneurship: Insights from HKUST's Legacy


Prof. CY Tsui




Franz WU


Terry Tsang



Prof. Carrie LING