HKUST-SINO One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2024
(A) Applications Submission
All submissions will be in English and must be submitted online (HERE) before application deadline. No paper entries will be accepted.
Deadline of application: 5 July 2024.
All applications are required to submit a Pitch Deck (with minimum 5 pages but no more than 10 pages).
(B) Pitch Deck Submission for Round 1 Assessment
Pitch Deck (5-10 pages)
All entries are required to submit a Pitch Deck (with minimum 5 pages but no more than 10 pages) in PPT/PDF file format. Contents of the video may refer to “Round 1 Pitch Deck Guideline”.
Additional covering sheet, title page, appendices, or other pages are NOT allowed and will result in disqualification.
The 10-page Pitch Deck must be written in English.
Deadline of submission is 5 July 2024, 23:59. Teams not meeting this deadline may be disqualified.
All decisions made by the judging panel are final.
Any violation of rules may result in disqualification from the competition, subject to the final discretion of HKUST Entrepreneurship Center.
(C) 5-min Pitch with 3-min Q&A session and 1-min Product Introduction Video Submission for Round 2 Assessment
5-min Pitch Deck
Shortlisted teams are required to submit ONE 5-min Pitch Deck in PPT/PDF file format and attend a 5-min pitching via Zoom. Contents of the 5-min Pitch Deck may refer "Round 2&3 5-min Pitch Deck Guidelines".
Deadline of submission is 13 Aug 2024, 23:59. The submitted version will be sent to the judging panel for background study before the 5-minute Pitching Assessment at Zoom. Changes are not allowed after the submission. Teams not meeting this deadline may be disqualified.
The 5-min Pitch Deck will be used for presentation in the Pitching Assessment.
Appendix and supporting slides are not required.
The 5-min Pitch Deck must be written in English.
1-min Product Introduction Video with Thumbnail [HKUST Track only]
All entries are required to submit a 1-min Product Introduction Video.
Format: Video Length: ≤ 1 minute long (video longer than 1 min will be cut abruptly at the end to meet the 1 min requirement)
Language: English
File Formate: MP4
File Size: Less than 200 MB
File Name: Your team name
Resolution: 720p
Video Thumbnail: 640 x 360 pixel in PNG/JPG format
The video must not infringe on any third-party rights (logos, music, intellectual property, etc.).
The video must not contain obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, objectionable, insulting or any of the controversial and inappropriate content. HKUST Entrepreneurship Center reserve the right to remove the video with offensive contents from the website.
Contents of the video may refer “1-min Product Introduction Video Guideline”.
Deadline of submission is 13 Aug 2024, 23:59. Teams not meeting this deadline may be disqualified.
(D) 5-min Pitch with 7-min Q&A session and Exhibition Poster for Final Assessment
5-min Pitch Deck
Shortlisted teams are required to submit ONE 5-min Pitch Deck in PPT/PDF file format and attend a 5-min pitching in person. Contents of full business plan may refer “Round 2&3 5-min Pitch Deck Guidelines”.
Deadline of submission is 23 September 2024, 23:59. Teams not meeting this deadline may be disqualified.
The 5-min Pitch Deck must be written in English.
The 5-min Pitch Deck will be used for the presentation in the Final Assessment which consists of 5-min of pitching followed by a 7-min Q&A session with the judging panel.
Exhibition Poster
Shortlisted teams for Round 2 are required to submit an Exhibition Poster for Product Introduction
Format to be confirmed via email.
Deadline of submission is 4 September 2024, 23:59. Teams not meeting this deadline may be disqualified.