The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China (IEEAC) announced the list of "Outstanding Achievements in Deepening Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform in Universities from 2015 to 2020", The "Further Optimization of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Hong Kong Universities: The Case of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology" written by Donny Siu, Head of the Center for Entrepreneurship of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, won the first runner-up "Outstanding Practice in Deepening Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform in Universities". At the same time, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology received the “Outstanding Organization Award”.
中國高校創新創業教育聯盟公佈「2015-2020深化高校創新創業教育改革優秀成果獲獎名單」,香港科技大學創業中心主管蕭觀明撰寫的「進一步優化香港高校創新創業生態系統——以香港科技大學實踐為例」獲取「深化高校創新創業教育改革優秀實踐」 二等獎。同時,香港科技大學獲得優秀組織獎。
有見技術發展與實際應用的落差,香港科技大學創業中心通過技術創業計劃( TechnoPreneurship Program) 以及社會創業(Social Entrepreneurship),擔任橋梁角色填補這個技術落地的真空,促進科技創業。