The BASE - Where Entrepreneurial Dreams take Flight



The BASE is an exceptional hub that embraces and nurtures the entrepreneurial spirit of students and faculty members alike. At The BASE, we believe that innovation flourishes in an environment that fosters collaboration and vibrancy. Our mission is to provide aspiring start-ups with the ideal space to bring their ideas to life and support them on their journey towards success.

Designed with the needs of entrepreneurs in mind, The BASE offers a dynamic and inspiring atmosphere. It serves as a melting pot of diverse talents and expertise, creating opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Whether you're developing ground-breaking technology or pursuing a social enterprise, our space is specifically curated to stimulate your creativity and drive.



Co-Working Space


Current students, faculty, staff and alumni with startups
Opening Time 9:00 am - 5:30 pm, Mon-Fri
Location Room 1520A (Lift 29/30)


Current students can use student card to access. Others can apply here for access.

Meeting Room

Eligibility Entrepreneurship Center funded teams, EC/OKT staff
Opening Time 9:00 am - 5:30 pm, Mon-Fri
Location Room 1520C (Lift 29/30)


Booking Procedure


Eligibility Enterpreneurship Center Funded Teams
Payment Requirement $300 for a 6-month period
Location Room 1520


Application Form


For more details, please refer to the BASE House Rules.