What is Wuxi Exchange fund?

The Wuxi Exchange Fund, donated by Wuxi Economic Development Zone has been established as a collaboration between HKUST and the Wuxi Economic Development Zone, aiming to deepen exchanges and collaboration in innovation and entrepreneurship.  

This fund supports students, faculty members, and staff who plan to travel from Hong Kong to Wuxi for collaboration projects or visits. Its primary goal is to facilitate meaningful exploration and foster productive collaboration with Wuxi, benefiting both individuals and our institution's overall growth and development.

Eligibility criteria

  • Full-time students, staff, faculty members, and alumni affiliated with HKUST are eligible to apply for the fund.
  • The purpose of travel must be directly related to collaboration projects or participation in HKUST delegation visits to Wuxi.
  • Applicants must provide a detailed project/visit proposal outlining the objectives, expected outcomes, and the relevance of the travel to Wuxi.

Pre-Approval Process

  • Applicants must submit a formal application to Director of Entrepreneurship Center (DEC), providing all necessary details, including the purpose of travel, itinerary, expected outcome, estimated budget, and duration of the trip.
  • Applicants must obtain the written approval of their department head before submitting the application to the DEC. Where the Head of Department is taking the trip himself/herself, the approval must be obtained from his/her superior.
  • Applications should be submitted well in advance of the intended travel dates to allow for proper review and approval.


Please refers to the Guideline for Wuxi Exchange Fund for more details.


Feel free to contact us at wuxifund@ust.hk