2022年「創客中國」國際中小企業創新創業大賽 “Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2022
Deadline :
8 Jul 2022 23:59
Enquiry Email :
Organised by :
HKUST Entrepreneurship Center, China Centre for Promotion of SME Development, MIIT,
“Maker in China” SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2022 – Hong Kong Chapter will be held in Hong Kong on August 19. This annual state level innovation and entrepreneurship contest is organized by China Centre for Promotion of SME Development, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China, Department of Youth Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, China International Cooperation Association of SMEs and co-organized by Cyberport, Angel Investment Foundation and Chamber of Commerce of Guangzhou Industrial Parks. The event is also one of the celebration events of the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, which is highly valued by the Central Government and Hong Kong Government.
2022年「創客中國」國際中小企業創新創業大賽 – 香港分站賽擬於8月19日在香港舉行,此國家級創新創業大賽由國家工業和信息化部中國中小企業發展促進中心、香港特別行政區政府資訊科技總監辦公室及中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室青年工作部聯合主辦,並由香港數碼港、天使投資基金會及廣州市產業園區商會共同承辦,今年的香港分站賽已被列為慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十五周年活動之一,受兩地政府高度重視。
Contest Goal:
- Bridging together innovative technologies and enterprises
- Connecting innovative technology projects with industrial parks
- Matching of market-oriented operation and government policies
- Facilitating the cooperation and upgrade of industries
- 推動創新技術與企業對接
- 創科項目與產業園區對接
- 市場化運作與政府政策對接
- 協助產業協同創新和產業升級
- 1 June 2022: Open for application
- 14 June 2022: Contest Briefing Session (1)
- 28 June 2022: Contest Briefing Session (2)
- 8 July 2022: Application deadline
- 19 August 2022: Hong Kong Chapter Final
- Late 2022: Global Final
- 2022年6月1日 :接受報名
- 2022年6月14日:賽事簡介會(第一場)
- 2022年6月28日:賽事簡介會(第二場)
- 2022年7月8日:截止報名
- 2022年8月19日:香港分站賽決賽
- 2022年下旬:全球總決賽
Call for projects in 10 fields of science and technology:
- Artificial Intelligence & Big Data
- Smart Living, Mobility and Healthcare
- Fintech
- New Materials
- Biomedicine & Biotechnology
- Internet of Things
- Industrial Internet & Advanced Manufacturing
- New Generation Information Technology
- New Energy, Energy Saving & Environmental Protection
- Digital Entertainment & eSports Software
Application: https://www.smeiegc.hk/apply/
More information: https://www.smeiegc.hk