Deadline :
23 Apr 2024 17:30
Enquiry Email :
Organised by :
HKUST Entrepreneurship Center
With the growing prominence of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone(Hetao Cooperation Zone, 河套深港科技創新合作區), there has been an increasing focus on this dynamic region. As a natural junction between the northern metropolitan area of Hong Kong and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, Hetao Cooperation Zone has become a thriving platform for Shenzhen-Hong Kong collaboration.
In light of this, Hetao Development Authority(河套發展署), the Shenzhen municipal government-affiliated institution responsible for coordinating and promoting the construction and development of the Hetao Shenzhen Park, joins hands with HKUST to host an exchange activity on “Policies and Opportunities in Hetao” 「河套政策與機遇」, and Entrepreneurship Center, as the Co-organizer, cordially invite you to join this event. Through this event, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the latest development and favorable entrepreneurship related policies in HeTao, and will get insights on how to leverage the advantages of Hong Kong and Shenzhen to promote research and innovation. In addition, we will invite professors and students to share their research plans and entrepreneurial projects in Hetao. Please find details of the event as follow:
Date: 24 April 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 am
Venue: Lam Woo Lecture Theatre (LT-B), HKUST
Language: Putonghua
9:30-9:45 Opening Remarks
-Mr. Jian Peng ZENG, Commissioner of Hetao Development Authority
-Prof. Tim CHENG, VPRD
9:45-9:55 Overview of the Hetao Cooperation Zone (policies, business environment and supporting services)
9:55-10:05 Presentation of HKUST’s Hetao Plan & Portfolios
10:05-10:25 Research Projects Sharing by HKUST Research Team
10:25-10:50 Entrepreneurial Projects Sharing by alumni and students
10:50-11:00 Experience Sharing by Hong Kong SAR Government Representative
11:00-11:15 Recruitment Information of Hetao Development Authority
11:15-11:30 Concluding Remarks
Registration:Click HERE
For any enquiries, please contact Ms. Huilan Peng at
【More Information about Hetao】
河套深港科技創新合作區位於香港特別行政區北部與深圳市中南部跨境接壤地帶,面積3.89平方公里。其中深圳河南側的香港園區面積約0.87平方公里;深圳河北側的深圳園區面積3. 02平方公里。兩個園區一河之隔,擁有福田口岸和皇崗口岸兩個連接深港兩地的陸路口岸,是深港科技創新合作最直接的對接點。