Deadline :
7 Mar 2022 14:00
Enquiry Email :
Organised by :
HKUST Entrepreneurship Center & Technology Transfer Center
As part of the Tech-Ship Program, which is a platform leveraging the wealth of research talents and outcomes at HKUST to bridge together faculty technologies and student entrepreneurship, the "TECH-Talk: Unveiling Faculty Technologies for Entrepreneurship" (TECH-Talk) will invite faculty members to introduce their technologies to students who are passionate about exploring technology entrepreneurship opportunities. In 2022, there are 8 technologies/ reserach outputs launched and listed below:
1. Prof. Yangqiu SONG (CSE) - Intelligent Legal Assistant with Privacy Protection
2. Prof. I-Ming HSING (CBE) - Skin-Adherent, Ultra-Stretchable, and Conformal Wearable Electrocardiographic Patch for Ambulatory Monitoring
3. Prof. Ping GAO (CBE) - Ultrastrong nanofilms for next-generation electric vehicles battery seperators
4. Prof. Qing CHEN (MAE) - Zn batteries
5. Prof. Yanguang ZHOU (MAE) - A Sustainable Evaporative Cooling Coating
6. Prof. Jinglei YANG (MAE) - Digitalization of R&D Labs
7. Prof. Jianwei SUN (CHEM) - New Chiral Catalysts for Chiral Drug Synthesis
8. Prof. Winnie LEUNG (ISD) - Integrated Light and Aroma Therapy towards Health and Wellness
For details of the above technologies available for your entrepreneurship development, CLICK here for more faculty members’ technologies are also open and available for technopreneurship partnership.
FINAL CALL!! The Lo Kwee Seong Technoprenerurship (Tech-Ship) Fund application deadline is on 7th Mar 2022!
DO NOT MISS the chance to partner with HKUST faculty members and make use of university technologies / research outcomes for your entrepreneurship development and receive up to HK$200,000 for the joint effort!"