Deadline :
27 Apr 2025 23:59
Enquiry Email :
Organised by :
Start-up Express is Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)’s highly curated start-up development programme that targets start-ups offering innovative and tech products or solutions, as well as with strong desire to enter the international market. The programme aims to assist local start-ups in building capability and connections, exploring markets, seeking business and funding partners, and enhancing brand awareness.
The programme offers start-ups with unique opportunities to learn, grow and connect. Each year, 10 winners will be selected as the annual cohort who will be exposed to vigorous marketing activities and earned attention from investors, media and potential partners.
HKUST students/ startups who are interested and would like to seek for HKUST EC nomination to the Start-up Express Programme, please complete our EC Fast-track Form after completion of the official application to HKTDC. Deadline of seeking HKUST EC nomination is on 27 Apr 2025.
Key Dates of the HKTDC Start-up Express 2025:
Details of Programme: HERE
Enquiry for HKUST Nomination: Miss Sue Hui (HKUST Entrepreneurship Center),
Enquiry for Programme: