TEDxCivic Exchange Countdown- "Emerging Ideas Worth Spreading - A Series with Youth-powered Climate Solutions"

19 October 2020
Session Details
19 Oct 2020 19:00 - 20:00
Program Details

Deadline :
19 Oct 2020 19:00

Enquiry Email :

Organised by :
Civic Exchange, SUSTAINHK, HKUST Entrepreneurship Center

Green innovation can not only pave the way for the private sector's transition to a low-carbon business model, but it can also become a viable opportunity for young people to lead the way for a clean and just transition for HK!

Co-organized by Civic Exchange (思匯政策研究所) and HKUST Entrepreneurship Center (EC), this series will showcase emerging, innovative ideas from Hong Kong youth. On 19 October, Donny Siu, Acting Director of HKUST EC, will kick off this series by sharing about the potentials for sustainability powered by entrepreneurship.

Click to join our 19 October 2020 (7:00pm - 8:00pm) talk on Facebook!

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Donny is the Acting Director of the Entrepreneurship Center at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST). An intrapreneur, a pioneer and a recognised start-up community builder in HKSAR and beyond. He is well-known for successfully building the vibrant and successful entrepreneurship community at HKUST, for being creative in giving life to entrepreneurship ideas, and for being supportive in facilitating the growth and success of entrepreneurs.

Donny cares about the communities, society and the environment. Being a sustainability practitioner, he initiated and administered the first green ambassador program at HKUST back in 2008 and supported many student-led green initiatives and green-themed social innovation projects. He also offered feasible advice and suggestions that are being adopted by the university’s sustainability unit for the campus. He inspires and helps students develop green ideas and projects into actionable development through entrepreneurial approaches.

Outside of the university, Donny serves in judging and assessment panels, holds membership in governing committees in NGOs and government authorities in HKSAR and the Mainland China, assists and advises commercial companies in transformation through entrepreneurial approaches, and takes part in volunteering actions.


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Coming soon!

This kick-off event is part of the TEDxCivic Exchange, an initiative co-organized by Civic ExchangeHKUST Entrepreneurship Center and SUSTAINHK to introduce HK to community leaders working toward climate solutions for our city via a series of virtual gatherings.
