TEDxCivic Exchange Countdown- Gov. Track - Reimagining a More Liveable Hong Kong

28 October 2020
Session Details
28 Oct 2020 18:00 - 19:30
Program Details

Organised by :
Civic Exchange, SUSTAINHK, HKUST Entrepreneurship Center

In Reimaging a More Liveable Hong Kong, we will hear from current and former government officials as they discuss the strides that the Hong Kong government has taken to improve urban planning and to prioritize citizens' health and wellbeing, along with areas for improvement; specifically, in areas of HK’s potentials for the sustainable food market, forecasting climate change impacts in HK, mitigating natural disasters, and COVID-19 lessons for a green recovery.


About the Speakers


1. Professor Christine LOH, Institute for the Environment, HKUST

  • Food Waste : Food waste is an enormous problem in the world, including in Hong Kong. This is one environmental issue where individuals and organisations have direct control over and they could significantly reduce food loss and food waste. The presentation suggests how Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong can work together to rethink and rebrand their famous food culture into a healthy and wise one that takes food waste reduction into account.
  • Presentation in English


2. Mr. Davy LAU, Hong Kong's Environmental Protection Department (EPD) 

Strategies on Waste Management of Hong Kong

  • Current position and challenges
  • Progress and latest development of waste management measures
  • Presentation in Cantonese


3. Mr. Sai Ming LEE, Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) 

  • Local and global climate trends: Mr Lee will present the global picture of climate change, observed local climate trends and future climate projections for Hong Kong. He will also explain why there is an urgent need to step up international efforts to combat climate change.
  • Presentation in Cantonese


4. Ms. Sueann LEE, Drainage System Planning, Drainage Services Deparment (DSD)

Drainage Rethink for Hong Kong

  • Climate change and flood risk 
  • DSD's drainage rethink 
  • Open Space as a valuable infrastructure when building a resilient city 
  • Engagement strategy in ensuring effective communication between gov and the public as well as green groups/NGO & academics
  • Presentation in Cantonese



Please register via Eventbrite for a ticket to participate in the Q&A via Zoom. The event will be live-streamed on Facebook as well, but all interactions (e.g. polls, Q&A) will only be conducted in Zoom.


This event is part of the TEDxCivic Exchange, an initiative co-organized by Civic ExchangeHKUST Entrepreneurship Center and SUSTAINHK to introduce HK to community leaders working toward climate solutions for our city via a series of virtual gatherings.
