WeStart TOP100 Startup Competition

Deadline for Registration: 30 June 2024
Session Details
19 Jun 2024 00:00 - 30 Jun 2024 23:59
Program Details

Deadline :
30 Jun 2024 23:59

Enquiry Email :

Organised by :
The Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality

As the important part of the 2024 Global Entrepreneurial Investment Conference, to focus on and explore early, start-up and hard technology projects globally and gather financial capital and social resources, the 2024 WeStart Top100 International Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is launched now!


The competition attaches great importance to start-up teams and development needs of enterprises, seeks to attract and facilitate the development of more science and technology projects with great potential, and builds a hard technology projects reservoir by focusing on new quality productive forces, technology trends, industrial ecology and business environment, so as to promote quality development of science and technology innovation ecosystem.



  1. Teams:
    • Entrepreneurial teams that haven’t registered and established domestic enterprises but own scientific innovation achievements (e.g., returnee entrepreneurs, excellent science and technology entrepreneurial teams in the phase of implementation, college students’ entrepreneurial teams, etc.).
    • Teams should have at least 3 members.
  2. Enterprises:
    • Start-up enterprises established in Shanghai within the last year, or those in other countries/provinces/municipalities regardless of establishment date.
    • Projects should have industrial attributes and broad market application prospects, demonstrating high innovation and uniqueness.
    • Projects must comply with existing laws, regulations, and industrial policies, possess independent intellectual property rights (without disputes), and show potential for commercialization.
    • Participants must have no major record of dishonesty or criminal record.


Competition Tracks:

  1. Biomedicine: Modern healthcare, medical devices, pharmaceutical R&D, and more.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: AI chips, AI software, autonomous driving, robotics, etc.
  3. Advanced Manufacturing: Scientific instruments, intelligent manufacturing equipment, aerospace equipment, etc.
  4. Future Information: Next-gen mobile communication, quantum information, AI models, etc.
  5. Future Materials: Advanced materials like high-performance carbon fibers, semiconductors, and superconducting materials.
  6. Future Energy: ESG, new energy, carbon neutrality, energy-saving technologies, and more.


Competition Schedule:

  • June 30: Registration deadline (sign up on the official website now)
  • July: Preliminary round and results announcement
  • August: Semi-final and results announcement
  • September 7-10: On-site roadshow during the WeStart Global Entrepreneurial Investment Conference



  • Prize money
  • Green channel for relevant policies of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
  • Free incubation space
  • Eligibility for WeStart on-site roadshow
  • Media coverage


WeStart 2024 - Global Entrepreneurial Investment Conference Forum

Date: 7-10 September 2024

Venue: Shanghai, China

Website: http://www.westartglobal.com

WeChat official account: WeStart全球业投大会
