EC has received the LOCAL BRAND HONG KONG AWARD by the Hong Kong People Brands in recognition of the Center's remarkable achievement and contribution made towards promoting entrepreneurship for Hong Kong and beyond

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Congratulations! The Entrepreneurship Center has received the LOCAL BRAND HONG KONG AWARD by the Hong Kong People Brands in recognition of the Center's remarkable achievement and contribution made towards promoting entrepreneurship for Hong Kong and beyond.

Established in 1999,  the Entrepreneurship Center is designed for entrepreneurs to support innovation and entrepreneurship on the HKUST campus. It also serves as a unique platform to facilitate knowledge transfer between the University and industry. It strives to nurture next-generation entrepreneurs whose companies make commercial, social or cultural impacts on the economic and social development of Hong Kong and beyond. The Center continuously keeps abreast of new trends to expand business opportunities, enhance corporate competitiveness and promote the overall development of Hong Kong.

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