Hackathon@HKUST 2018 was successfully completed on 20 - 22 April 2018. Over 420 participants from 18 countries and 15 universities have joined hackUST and hardUST in this year. 95 teams actively competed on 4 themes – Transportation, Cybersecurity, Education Tech and FinTech.
This year, the world’s number two-ranked Tianhe-2 supercomputer (developed by China's National University of Defense Technology) currently installed at the National Super Computer Center in Guangzhou (with peak performance of 94.97 petaflops after the recent upgrading) was very supportive for the participants to access and test their crazy ideas by using the power of the super computer during hackathon at HKUST 2018.
hackUST and hardUST is an annual hackathon at HKUST to develop students' prototype, meet entrepreneurs and industry experts, pitch their ideas and turn their boldest ideas into reality! hackUST runs for an electrifying 24 hours while hardUST runs for 48 hours!
For more details of hackathon@HKUST, please visit to the website http://hack.ust.hk