【 #科大創業家】香港愈來愈多初創企業成功打響名堂,亦有不少國際企業家落戶香港。創科香港基金會首度公布「香港獨角獸榜單 Unicorns HK 2021」,合共有18間有「香港基因」的獨角獸成功上榜,以高端製造、機械人、人工智能領域為主。
【 #USTentrepreneur 】
Hong Kong is always a hot choice for international entrepreneurs to settle, but it has recently become an incubation centre for numerous successful start-ups. The scheme “Unicorns HK 2021”, which was announced by the Hong Kong x Foundation for Innovation and Technology gives prominence to start-ups that can promote Hong Kong as a city.
On the list, there are seven unicorns from the HKUST, and 5 of them were overseen by Professor Li Zexiang, also known as the “Godfather of Hidden Entrepreneurship in China”. Professor Li has set up an academic entrepreneurial group with HKUST students, motivated his students to start their businesses, assisted them in seeking funding, and provided technical aid for their start-ups. By combining the undoubted manufacturing power in the Greater Bay Area, he consistently incubated and invested in his own students’ high-tech start-ups, like the participation in the establishment of Da-Jiang Innovations, GOOGOLTECH, etc.
More –
HKET: https://bit.ly/3GPluZ7
HK01: https://bit.ly/3mbFOfs
ST: https://bit.ly/3yyhyJo
HKEJ: https://bit.ly/3mcjum0
News of SENG: https://seng.hkust.edu.hk/news/20220311/unicorns-spotlight-hi-tech-entrepreneurship
The story was originally published in the Entrepreneurs @ HKUST (Issue I, P.104-105)