Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme ("GBA YEP")
Supported by Cyberport Creative Micro Fund ("CCMF"), the Cyberport Greater Bay Area Young Entrepreneurship Programme ("GBA YEP") brings young talents from Hong Kong, Macau and cities in Guangdong including Greater Bay Area together to develop digital tech innovations and growing path.
The programme aims to deepen participants’ experience of launching projects and facilitating early-stage development in a multicultural environment and to facilitate business soft-landing and development in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and overseas. A total of HK$1,000,000 grant (*Each successful application will be granted HKD100,000) will be given to successful applicants over six months to develop their project.
The programme provides all-round support to young talents allowing them to unleash their potential and lay the foundation for start-up success in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China as well as exploring global business opportunities. Entrepreneurship boot camp and training will be provided in the programme, which aims to facilitate team formation and equip applicants with entrepreneurship knowledge and start-up experiences; enable participants to understand the business environment, opportunities and challenges of high potential or cluster-focused areas in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and overseas markets.
「數碼港大灣區青年創業計劃」2022現已接受申請,計劃提供總值港幣100萬種子基金及免費參加創業營的機會,助你廣闊視野, 認識新朋友一同激發創意。 此計劃由「數碼港創意微型基金」支持,每個獲取錄項目可獲得港幣10萬現金資助, 在6個月計劃期內,支持具潛質的數碼科技創新概念及具備產品雛型的早期初創企業的發展,印證市場需要及邁向加快發展階段。截止申請日期為2022年12月5日(星期一),立即按此報名!
1/ 申請人必須於計劃申請截止日期前年齡介乎18至30歲(包括30歲); 及
2/ 現正就讀於香港,澳門或廣東地區註冊的大專學院或於上述院校畢業不超過三年。 無論目前有沒有創業構思或團隊,我們歡迎各位符合資格的學生及青年申請, 一同於創業營學習、組隊及交流。
數碼港大灣區青年創業計劃諮詢日暨創業秘訣分享會| 香港 / 澳門站
時間:下午4時 — 5時45分
活動線上鏈接:點擊鏈接直接加入: 或 輸入 會議號: 915 4572 2407 密碼: CCMF2022
下午4:00 請各位參加者登入線上平台等候
下午4:05-4:15「 數碼港大灣區青年創業計劃」澳門協辦方致辭
下午4:15-4:50 「數碼港大灣區青年創業計劃」主辦方簡介計劃 (香港數碼港創業家組經理林家輝先生)
下午4:50-5:10 創業計劃2020年獲獎項目分享 – 「有傘青年」項目創始人潘俊杰先生
下午5:10-5:30 創業計劃2019獲獎項目分享 – 「Dr. Body」項目聯合始創人許真達先生
下午5:10-5:30 答問環節 + 活動完結