
Tim Zhang





I became a founder when I joined HKUST and took some courses provided by InnoX and Prof. Li Zexiang, which gave me the wonderful experience of enjoying the foundation and growth of a startup. After that, I start researching in robotics and computer vision. This would benefit most people's spiritual life.




Company Description

InfinityVision is a research and entrepreneurial team dedicated to developing devices and algorithms for computer vision, metaverse, and robotics. The present members of our team come from HKUST Visual Intelligence Lab and have a strong background and long experience in related areas. We have outstanding and creative professors as our advisors, who can provide constructive suggestions on technology and research. At present, we are developing a multi-scopic sensor with five camera modules, called Camera++. We have designed and manufactured the prototype. We also developed a user interface to access the captured images and videos. Based on the captured data, we are researching algorithms for tasks such as depth estimation and Novel View Synthesis. The task enables us to synthesize images from arbitrary unknown perspectives. That is, if we capture a limited number of images of one scene or object, we allow users to view it from any specified viewpoint, which lays the technological foundation for VR applications. We target our market to virtual touring, online product displaying, and virtual house viewing. This could enhance the user interaction experience, especially important and useful for the current situation, where most of us are stranded at home during the epidemic.




