FREE tasting of HKUST herb infused cold brew – joint innovation by Muto World X EDEN

26 Mar 2021, 1PM - 4:20PM
Session Details
26 Mar 2021 13:00 - 16:30
Program Details

Deadline :
25 Mar 2021 12:00

Enquiry Email :

Organised by :
HKUST Entrepreneurship Center & Muto World & Eden

Join this Sharing Session and Beverage Tasting Session to taste a FREE herb infused cold brew or Chamomile Lemon Balm tea and learn about the latest trend in green plantation and herbal innovations by HKUST student startups - Muto World and EDEN


Muto X Eden Sharing Session (Mar 26, 1PM – 2PM)

  • Location: Online via Zoom or F2F @theBASE
  • Sharing by Muto World (by William Junho Lee- Marketing ’22)
    • Muto World’s Vision (B2C, B2B, R&D)
    • Showcase of Mini Hydroponics Kit
    • Recruitment of Voluntary Student Supporters
  • Sharing by EDEN (by Justin Tso- BIBU ’21 & Agnes Lam- GBUS ’23)
    • Eden’s Vision and Product Development
    • Student Intern Recruitment


Focus Groups and Beverage Tasting Session (Mar 26, 2PM – 4:30PM)

  • Location: F2F @theBASE
  • 20mins & 10ppl max per session


I. Muto World (from 2:00PM-4:20PM)

Muto World, with its first hydroponic farm at HKUST, and Impact Berry have worked together to produce herb infused cold brew. Come and sign up for tasting and focus group! Total 50 free bottles available! On top of this, you can share your thoughts on Muto World's mini hydroponics kit


II. EDEN (from 2:00PM-2:30PM)

EDEN is proud to introduce you to our specially formulated herbal beverages, which blend with therapeutic-grade CBD (Cannabidiol). Every participant participating at theBASE can enjoy a Free Chamomile Lemon Balm tea infused with Cannabidiol brewed by EDEN and sourcing organic herbs of Muto World. 



Sign UP Now! Take part in this fun opportunity to engage with Muto World & Eden, the student-led, fast-growing start-ups!




To align with the epidemic prevention policy, the following hygiene measures will be applied during the event:

  • A temperature tester will be set at the entrance, people with a fever or respiratory symptoms are not allowed to enter the venue
  • Everyone who comes to theBASE must wear a face mask
  • Takeaways and Pre-ordering service are provided and encouraged
  • Drink zone will be set and maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between tables and with four people allowed per table to practice social distancing



Muto world

Email: Instagram(@muto_world_limited)



Email: Instagram(@eden.teahouse)
