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HKUST Entrepreneurship Center
HKUST-Kaisa Autonomous RC-Car Racing Competition was successfully held on 1 April 2021.
For those who had missed the competition, here is the chance to review the competition highlights and appreciate the hard work of the teams! We are pleased to have Team 21 - Josef Gstoettner (1st Place Winner) and Team 19 - Turzo Bose and his team (2nd Place Winner) to be our guest in the sharing session with all of you.
Date: 10 May 2021 (Monday)
Time: 15:00 – 16:00
Venue: theBASE
Quota: 20 ppl max.
Josef and Turzo’s team will share their background, experiences on AI development and some winning techniques. After then, they will demonstrate their RC car on the racing track.
Register now to grab the chance to meet the AI talents!
We look forward to seeing you soon!