Company information:
Coxana innovation aims to inspire people to create with technologies. The creation covers from stories in media format to applicable invention. We deliver promising production services to clients, production-based experiential courses to students for leadership and creativity training and product for customized IoT applications.
Job Requirement:
- Be a Good Team player, responsible and able to show perseverance in the entire production process
- Be Creative; And treat every production seriously
- Deliver production services by exceling the following skills (Either / All)
1. Photography on Landscape, Food, Portrait etc.
2. Videography on promotion, event, micro film etc.
3. Aerial Filming (>1-year of drone operation exp.)
4. Post Production (master in Ae, Pr, Lr, Ps, Ai, Id etc.)
Working Hours:
~10 hours a week (depending the job demand)
Voluntary-basis as intern is welcomed; Studio pay is dependent to the job requirement and your expertise (Range: $100 - $1000/hr)