Deadline :
28 Apr 2022 16:00
Enquiry Email :
Organised by :
HKUST Entrepreneurship Center
To better prepare your team for round 3 pitching assessment, we are excited to have Ms. Yina Chan, Principal of Saltagen Ventures, joining us in this workshop and find out what it really takes to pitch your way to success. With her experience working in Saltagen Ventures, she will provide insight into how important pitching is, and how to do it well. Yina will also explore some practical techniques behind a successful pitch.
Join us and don’t miss this chance to gain some valuable insight to your way to success!
Please see the below details for the workshop:
Pitching Workshop: What It Takes to Pitch Your Way to Success
Date and Time: 28 April 2022 (Thurs), 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Venue: Online via Zoom (Click here to join)
Meeting ID: 998 2241 1938
Passcode: 668337
Speaker bio:
Ms. Yina Chan Principal
Yina is the Principal at Saltagen Ventures and led every deal at the firm. She built partnerships with notable universities and ecosystems across Canada and Asia to support startups’ global expansion. With Saltagen's international investment footprint, she specialised in cross-border financing structuring and helped companies to localize operation in Asia.
Her previous working and academic background covers the fields of entrepreneurship, banking, accounting and legal (intellectual property).
In the meanwhile, you can start preparing the Short Business Plan for the round 3 which will be used for presentation in the 3-minute Pitch. Please refer to the submission rules and guidelines for details.
For details of the competition, please refer to our website. And free feel to ask questions via