Deadline :
6 Jun 2022 12:59
Enquiry Email : (Fast-track) / (IPHatch Hong Kong 2022 )
Organised by :
Hong Kong Trade Development Council & HKUST Entrepreneurship Center
IPHatch Hong Kong 2022 - Dedicated Session for HKUST
*** The online webinar is co-organized by HKTDC and HKUST Entrepreneurship Center. ***
Co-organized by HKTDC and Piece Future, IPHatch HK is an open-innovation competition for innovative minds to strengthen technological edges and scale up business by commercialising the IP/technology portfolios from renowned MNCs and local universities. This year, 16 tech patent portfolios from Nokia, Panasonic, and CityU are on offer! Don't miss this valuable opportunity to grow your business with tech patents.
Organizer HKTDC will explain the patent portfolios on offer and their possible commercial applications. At the same time, past winners will share their experiences. Interested HKUST students and startups are recommended to join this Briefing Webinar to get more details of competition and experience/tips of past winning teams.
Date: 7 June 2022 (Tue)
Time: 17:00-18:00
Venue: Online via zoom
Webinar link: HERE
Meeting ID: 999 5239 7488
Passcode: 641961
1) Mr. Jason LOH (Founder & CEO, Piece Future)
2) Mr. Tony LAM (Founder & CEO, Algogene Fintech)
3) Mr. Charles LO (Founder & Director, MAE Limited)
IPHatch target startups/ teams who wish to:
- Involve tech patents in your business and product development
- Scale up your business by commericalising the IP
- Meet IP experts to polish your business ideas
Registration Link: HERE / Register through EC App
Details of IPHatch:
All interested startups are recommended to join the Briefing Webinar to get first-hand information from the HKTDC about the IPHatch! HKUST students/ startups who are interested and would like to seek HKUST EC nomination to the IPHatchathon, please 1) complete our EC Fast-track Form and 2)submission your application to HKTDC via the official application (HAS OPENED). The deadline of seeking HKUST EC nomination is on 24 June 2022.
Key Dates* of the IPHatch Hong Kong 2022:
*Tentative schedule is subject to the final arrangement by HKTDC
Important Notes:
Should you have questions, please contact:
Webinar registration & HKUST fast track: Miss Gladys HO of HKUST at
IPHatch 2022: Miss. Clara Tsang of HKTDC at / +852 2584 4068