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HKUST Entrepreneurship Center
粵港澳大灣區 (簡稱大灣區) 包括香港、澳門兩個特別行政區,和廣東省廣州、深圳、珠海、佛山、惠州、東莞、中山、江門、肇慶九市,總面積約5.6萬平方公里,是全球其中一個增長速度最快的灣區經濟。雖然大灣區總人口只佔全中國約 5% (即約7100萬),地區生產總值卻佔全國達13% (即約1.6萬億美元),並且續年增長,具有巨大潛力。
The GBA Innovation Summit is one of the Main Events of the StartmeupHK Festival in 2022 which will be taking place on 5th Sep VIRTUALLY. Being the Largest Festival in Hong Kong about Innovation, the StartmeupHK Festival had 250,000+ attendees from 103 countries participated in 2021. To ensure the best experience for all participants from the world, the Summit will provide simultaneous interpretation in both Mandarin and English.
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) is a national initiative highlighted in the Chinese government's 13th Five-Year Plan. The region is considered one of the fastest-growing economy in the world which just comprises of 5% (71million) of the China population but contributing to 13% (~US1.6trillion) of the GDP in China.
The GBA Innovation Summit aims to provide a glimpse of the unleashed potentials and developments in GBA by bringing together the business leaders, innovators, investors, government officials and renowned researchers from Hong Kong, China and the international community to discuss and debate on the most exciting issues and trends in the region. For more information, please visit here
4個主題論壇分場:大灣區機遇 / 投資主題 / 產業主題 / ESG 主題
4個主題:風險投資 / 先進製造/ 新消費趨勢 / 綠色金融
70+ 全球頂尖講者
2,000+ 本地及全球商業領袖及創業者
4 Main Tracks covering GBA , Investment,Industry and ESG
4 topic including Venture Capital /Advanced Manufacturing / New Consumer Trends / Green Finance
10+ Workshops to guide you soft-land in GBA
50+ Tech-Ventures and Investors Exhibitors
70+ World-Class Speakers
2,000+ Domestic and International Business Leaders and Innovators
If you have any inquires, please contact:
Email: or
Phone: (852) 2341 4922
HKUST Entrepreneurship Center