HKUST X SOW Asia Social Good Entrepreneurship Case Competition kicks off today

Organized by the HKUST Entrepreneurship Center, the HKUST x SOW Asia Social Good Entrepreneurship Case Competition encourages students to use social innovation to solve the problem of subdivided flats. Regina Ip, who is the convenor of the Executive Council, Chairman of SOW Asia Andy Tung, HKUST Vice-President for Research and Development Prof. Tim Cheng and Cofounder of GOGOX Steven Lam attended the kick-off ceremony today.


Social Good Entrepreneurship Case Competition aims to find short-term solutions that could address the housing issues faced by those living in subdivided flats and cage homes. HKUST Entrepreneurship Center thought exorbitant property prices, high rentals and the proliferation of subdivided flats all remind the participants that we must tackle the housing problem with an entrepreneurial mind.


Speaking at the Ceremony, the convenor of the Executive Council Mrs Ip praised HKUST Entrepreneurship Center and SOW Asia’s initiatives to nurture Social Enterprises. She remarked social enterprise is not only for profit but also for social value. She encouraged the more youngster will open arms to innovation.


Addressing the audience, Mr Steven Lam, Co-founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer of GOGOX, shared his entrepreneurial journey and story of how he established the first app-based logistics platform. He encouraged the students to express themselves and be proactive no matter for study or work.






由香港科技大學創業中心與心苗亞洲聯合主辦社會公益創業個案競賽,呼籲全校參與,鼓勵學生以社會創新精神解決劏房問題。行政會議召集人葉劉淑儀、心苗亞洲董事會主席董立均、香港科技大學副校長(研究及發展)鄭光廷及GOGO X聯合創辦人林凱源在今日出席競賽啟動禮。






GOGO X聯合創辦人兼聯席行政總裁林凱源出席啟動禮時亦分享自身求學及創業經驗。他鼓勵學生要多表達個人想法,無論學習或工作都應主動積極。





Kick Off Ceremony