Deadline :
13 Oct 2023 23:59
Enquiry Email :
Organised by :
Occupational Safety & Health Council
The Award aims to encourage members of the public, including secondary school students, to unleash their creativity and devise innovation and technology design / projects/ concepts for the purpose of improving occupational safety and health (OSH) in the workplace. The judging panel will shortlist entries that could improve OSH and have potential for product development and applications. Development/ Market institutions and/or tertiary institutions will help evaluate the feasibility of such product development / applications / implementations , and provide relevant guidance. This initiative helps foster the development of high-tech innovation industries, and address various occupational safety and health challenges, thereby reducing the occurrence of industrial accidents and improving workplace health, enhancing the overall OSH standards in Hong Kong.
1. 中學組Secondary School Category
2. 公開組 (包括大專院校) Open Category (Includes tertiary institution)
Each category has gold, silver, bronze and merit award
Innovation Breeder Award
Most Popular Innovation Award
大獎詳情及報名方法 Award and Enrolment details
報名表格 Enrolment Form |
網上報名 Online Enrolment |
重要日期 Important dates
l 截止報名Deadline for enrolment: 13/10/2023
l 截止遞交參賽報告及影片Deadline for submission of report and video: 3/11/2023
新城電台賴嘉欣小姐Ms Leanne Lai, Metro Radio (3698 7380)
職安局羅永堅先生Mr Toran Law, OSHC (3106 3735)
職安局羅泇恩小姐Ms Maggie Law, OSHC (3106 3743)