
Frank LIU, Guangsheng


Frank LIU

CEO, Motex Technology Limited


Mr. Liu obtained his MSc degree in Aeronautical Engineering from HKUST in 2019. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at HKUST's Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering since 2020, focusing on the aerodynamics of performance sports engineering. In 2022, Mr. Liu founded MOTEX Technology Limited and assumed the role of CEO. MOTEX Technology aims to bring cutting-edge technology to the sports industry and empower athletes to reach their full potential. Additionally, Mr. Liu serves as part-time CEO of Qingdao Edman Aviation Technology Company.



Company Description

Motex is a professional aerodynamic testing team based in Hong Kong. Our cycling aerodynamic R&D platform was a product of more than twenty years’ research and development effort in aerospace and racing car engineering, first in Europe, and recently in Hong Kong. We conduct research in the fields of aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, aircraft & engine noise, racing cars, and performance sports. We are devoted to transferring the state-of-art aerospace and racing car technology to the field of performance sports.



